Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Using the MUET SPEAKING questions to develop your academic essays.

The quality of the speaking questions this year indicates the level of questions that might be asked in the other 3 papers on the 16th. As an exercise, you can use the speaking questions to write academic essays to show your linguistic and critical thinking skills. My readers hve contributed the latest speaking topics.. so you can try writing using any 3 of the points given. For example: Write 350 words on what can be done to produce more world class sportsmen and sportswomen in Malaysia. Use 3 of the 4 points given: parents, public, school or ministry of youth and sports. or Write 350 words on your suggestions for new compulsory subjects for form 6 students in malaysia. choose 3 of the 4 points given: sex education, financial management, personal health or religious education. There are more speaking topics in my previous blog post= http:// So if you have tried to write one, I will post it here... but WITHOUT CORRECTIONS as I dont think i hve the time to check it.. but I can give you an estimated Band so you can know your standard. Email to Happy penning everyone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. teacher audrey.
    is there any time given to read the question before listen to the text in listening test?

  3. hello tchr, i hv questions. Is the essay question will be related to our speaking test? And how many percentge it will be related?thank you. Xxx

  4. hi dear teacher,

    do u hav answers 4 reading part plz?


  5. Hello .. I just saw your blog and is very helpful but is too late I just finished my MUET exam!Don't have the confident that will get band 4 :( ! i might focusing for end year with your guidance! Thanks for everything :))

  6. I would like to say THANK YOU very much for ur help. ur blog help students all across Malaysia. u have no idea how much we appreciate ur blog! THANK YOU.

    Today's exam - READING (extremely hard), WRITING (unexpected but it was ok) and LISTENING (thank God).. hehe. really looking 4ward for ur analysis on today's paper, especially READING paper. :)

  7. thanks asri... as a teacher working for my government, i have pledged to serve my generation and the generations to come. this is my small contribution to my beloved Malaysia. :) Knowledge is power... and you take to the grave only that which you have given away.

  8. where can i get a sample of 350 words essay
