Wednesday, April 15, 2020

PKP MUET Online Lesson 1: Academic Essay

Hi all.. by popular demand, I am back! Here is a good video to share with your students on how to brush up their academic essay writing skills.

For teachers, get students to watch the video and you can ask them to list the 10 tips they garnered from the video. Alternatively, get them to write an essay of their own and you can use the Review button on MSWord to write comments on sections of their essay.

For students, you may do any of these tasks.
1. Write a good thesis statement for this essay.
2. Make two lists, one list for nice vocab, another list for good points.
3. List down 10 Tips for good academic essay writing
4. Write an essay (free topic) and submit to your teacher. Be careful to follow the MUET format rather than copy and paste stuff from the internet which is PLAGIARISM!

Good luck and may I have more motivation to make another video. Cheers n stay safe!

Or your can click this link:Syna's Academic MUET Essay


  1. Hi teacher, I came across your video on Youtube and followed your blog to find out more about MUET. I wish I can speak and write in English just like you one day ^^

    1. I wish you all the best. Thanks for your support.

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