Hi all.. as promised here are some government policies that are useful facts for you to use when writing your academic essays. You will get higher marks for task fulfillment when you have concrete facts as your content. I truly demonstrates to the examiner that you have good critical thinking skills. :P
Thank you to Joanne Gan, Upper 6 Science, SMK Majakir for submitting this. :P
Health is very important in our lives as we cannot carry out daily activities efficiently without a healthy body. In Malaysia, mass vaccination is practiced in public schools. The vaccines may be administered by school nurses or a team of other medical staff from public sectors. For instance, children may receive the oral polio vaccine in Year One of primary school, the BCG in Year Six and the MMR (measles, Mumps and Rubella) in Form Three of secondary school. In 2010, the government will provide all 13-year-old girls three doses of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. This policy aims to prevent illness, disability and death of Malaysian citizens which can be triggered by various diseases.
The Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said according to PTPTN (National Higher Education Fund Corporation) about 2000 students qualified for scholarship worth RM73 million. So far, PTPTN had approved loans amounting to RM38.69 billion for 1.75 million students and waived loan repayments totaling RM277.99 million for 9545 students with first class honours last year. This shows that the government is serious in raising the standard of human capital in Malaysia so we may achieve developed nation status by Vision 2020.
Sports should be integral to a person’s life. This is due to the benefits in health that can be derived from it. In addition, skills such as strategic thinking and teamwork can be emphasised among Malaysians. The Ministry of Education had introduced the 1 Student 1 Sport policy (1 Murid 1 Sukan) to encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Making participation in sports compulsory helps student develop a more holistic and balanced approach in life while sharpening the skills of talented individuals in various sports such as badminton, football, athletics and so on. Our government can improve this program by providing subsidized sporting equipment for each student so that they can afford racquets, bats, balls, spikes that are essential to the development of the sporting standard of the country.
Agriculture in Malaysia makes up 12% of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). 16% of the population of Malaysia is employed through the field of agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry (MOA) serves as an agency for private agriculture businesses in Malaysia to get advice by experts that specialize in agriculture, fishing and livestock. The statutory body under MOA, Agrobank also helps farmers and fishermen by offering financing packages and loans so that they can start their businesses without life-long savings.
The major industries in Malaysia are rubber, textiles, basic metals, food processing, petroleum and electronic goods. In 2007, Malaysia was the 3rd largest economy in South East Asia. The Malaysia New Economic Policy (NEP) was created in 1971 with the aim of achieving a 30% Bumiputera share of the economy of Malaysia while eradicating poverty amongst Bumiputera. After 30 years of program, the NEP had achieved its goals where Bumiputra ownership increased to 18.9% in 2004 against 2.4% in 1970, while poverty decreased to 8.3% in 2004 from 64.8% in 1970.
Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) had distributed a total of 285332 laptops to secondary school students in Malaysia to help educate and engage poorer students in information and communication technology (ICT). The aim of the ‘1Malaysia Computer’ program was to benefit 65% of the students in government and government-aided schools. The conditions to receive free laptops were: only household incomes below RM3,000 in rural areas (below RM5,000 in urban areas), the family did not own a computer, and the children were in Forms 1 until 5, each family was limited to one computer. Free laptops would help students improve their learning skills as they could search for extra information independently by using the internet access. This program can be improved as the government should provide free internet access through portable broadband connection so that all students could do self-learning conveniently at home.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
MUET Writing 800/4 tips : Factual Writing
Hey all... I'm back.. hehe sort of. Anyway, I've recieved some great emails and messages on facebook (add me as Audrey Wiles) about my blog and the good stuff you've gained from it. Hopefully I didn't disappoint.
Right, I've been thinking about why my students cant score higher than band 3 and 4... and I've finally hit the nail on its head. It's because students these days include too many generalisations and sweeping statements which are not backed up by facts. So then I sent them of a fact finding research and they have come back with key facts that can be used in their essays. I've then compiled (the first batch below) the info and written MUET style academic sentences which addresses key issues. I then printed out the samples below and got them to highlight whichever parts they considered as factual. Then in my next lesson, I will give them some sections with fill in the blanks activity (fill with facts) and some sections where they have to write their own sample sentences using the facts they can recall. Anyway, whichever style you use to present is not the issue but the fact that Band 5 & 6 students are expected to have a very HIGH LEVEL OF CRITICAL THINKING and maturity of ideas is reflected based on the content of their academic essays.
So students out there, read the examples below and highlight the facts. Teachers, get your students to do it. An enrichment activity is you can give them more issues and they can write their own samples, maybe one group one issue.
My next blog will be on using Malaysian government policies as content for factual and academic writing. So stay tuned and don't forget to comment about this technique. Was it effective for you? Your students? :P
1. WAR
In terms of world peace, we should never repeat the mistakes of World War I in 1918 where we lost about 5 million people and World War II in 1945 that took the lives of more than 61 million. These wars are concrete examples of why killing and death are not acceptable. Instead, we should find a way through the United Nations and other such organisations to conduct peace talks at all costs because wars give nothing but negative impact to the human race.
Mankind is doing irreparable damage to mother nature to the extent that more and more natural disasters have occurred in recent times such as the undersea earthquake a day after Christmas in 2004 which unleashed multiple tsunamis in 14 countries killing over 230,000 people. More recent are the earthquakes in New Zealand last year and this year Japan was hit full force by a tsunami that almost destroyed the Fukushima nuclear power plant and caused a nuclear meltdown similar to the radioactive disaster in Chernobyl, Ukriane (1986). Therefore, we must reduce our negative impact to the environment because it will definitely affect mother nature.
There are many lessons we can learn from our own history including the May 13 1969 racial riots between the Malay and Chinese especially in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur. Almost 200 people were killed and this really emphasised why we need to be more understanding, tolerant and respectful of each others’ cultural differences. Otherwise, another terrible racial riot will occur and this will destroy the national unity that we have worked so hard to achieve for the past half century of independence.
World peace is threatened when terrorists launch attacks such as the 9/11/2001 hijacking of two 767 jets into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City. This is such a tragedy because it took 2,753 lives but there are uncountable more lives, maybe millions, that have been shaken by this terrible event. This has led to more lives lost through the hunting down of Saddam Hussien and Osama bin Laden, both of whom were influential leaders that commanded troops of terrorists. Hence, the governments of each country need to work hand in hand to protect its citizens from further terrorist threat.
In recent times, the world has seen a number of tragedies that are unbelievable and atrocious such as the bombing in Oslo, Norway where Anders Brevik went on a shooting rampage and killed at least 77 youths because he was against multiculturalism and Muslim immigration. Thus, although we should be patriotic at all times, there must be moderation because the extremism showed by Norweigian Anders Behring Breivik is very unhealthy and this does not create peace, but instigates world wars.
We should be proud to be living in a peaceful land as there are no wars, enough food and opportunity to improve our standard of living. On the other hand, places like Palestine face the uncertainty and horrors of war every day, while there are many crisis elsewhere such as in Somalia, Afghanistan and even in Thailand which is our direct neighbour. In short, we need to defend our peace and freedom not just for this generation but for our children, and our children’s children.
Datuk Michelle Yeoh from Perak is an international actress most famed for her role in action movies and being the Bond girl in ‘Tomorrow never dies’ is also known for her full support of the anti-smuggling of endangered animals campaign. Along with celebrities such as Jackie Chan, they both support the saying, “When the buying stops, the killing will too.” Therefore, we should also support this campaign to stop the buying of illegal animal products such as ground rhino horn, ornamental elephant tusks and animal fur and skin to make clothes and accessories.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed is an extremely inspirational man as he was the longest serving prime minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003 during which he was called the ‘Father of Modernisation’. We have a lot to thank him for including our aspiration to achieve the developed nation status through Vision 2020. He was also behind the successful programs such as Multimedia Super Corridor, Proton cars, KLCC and KL towers, Formula 1 Sepang Circuit and many more which have brought prosperity and countless opportunities to fellow Malaysians. Therefore, to me he is truly inspirational as even today he has his own website, blog and Facebook page where he shows eloquence and critical thinking even though he is now 86 years old.
Malaysia has a lot to be proud of in terms of sports as today we have two individuals in racquet sports that are ranked No. 1 in the world. They are Datuk Lee Chong Wei for badminton and Datuk Nicol Ann David for squash, both hailing from the island of Penang. The two are prime examples of a combination of hard work and good upbringing because they have managed to divide their time to be a successful sportsperson. Datuk Nicol is 28 years old and been playing squash intensively since young but she still managed to score flying colours in her SPM where she obtained 7As. This is evidence that with the right attitude and diligence, anything is possible.
Malaysia is proud to have businessmen who have carved a name for themselves in the international arena. Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes, CEO of Air Asia, owns the world best low-cost airline (2009-2011) which has created countless opportunities for Malaysians to travel around the world for business and leisure. With his amazing tagline, “Now everyone can fly”, it is truly wonderful that we can experience international travel because travelling is now affordable for all. Another famous Malaysian entrepreneur is Datuk Jimmy Choo, famed for his exquisite handmade heels which are sought after by all the celebrities in America and the whole world including the fashionista Sarah Jessica Parker, a famous Hollywood actress. Therefore, we should always look for opportunities to expand our business not just in the Malaysian market but penetrate the international market as well.
Right, I've been thinking about why my students cant score higher than band 3 and 4... and I've finally hit the nail on its head. It's because students these days include too many generalisations and sweeping statements which are not backed up by facts. So then I sent them of a fact finding research and they have come back with key facts that can be used in their essays. I've then compiled (the first batch below) the info and written MUET style academic sentences which addresses key issues. I then printed out the samples below and got them to highlight whichever parts they considered as factual. Then in my next lesson, I will give them some sections with fill in the blanks activity (fill with facts) and some sections where they have to write their own sample sentences using the facts they can recall. Anyway, whichever style you use to present is not the issue but the fact that Band 5 & 6 students are expected to have a very HIGH LEVEL OF CRITICAL THINKING and maturity of ideas is reflected based on the content of their academic essays.
So students out there, read the examples below and highlight the facts. Teachers, get your students to do it. An enrichment activity is you can give them more issues and they can write their own samples, maybe one group one issue.
My next blog will be on using Malaysian government policies as content for factual and academic writing. So stay tuned and don't forget to comment about this technique. Was it effective for you? Your students? :P
1. WAR
In terms of world peace, we should never repeat the mistakes of World War I in 1918 where we lost about 5 million people and World War II in 1945 that took the lives of more than 61 million. These wars are concrete examples of why killing and death are not acceptable. Instead, we should find a way through the United Nations and other such organisations to conduct peace talks at all costs because wars give nothing but negative impact to the human race.
Mankind is doing irreparable damage to mother nature to the extent that more and more natural disasters have occurred in recent times such as the undersea earthquake a day after Christmas in 2004 which unleashed multiple tsunamis in 14 countries killing over 230,000 people. More recent are the earthquakes in New Zealand last year and this year Japan was hit full force by a tsunami that almost destroyed the Fukushima nuclear power plant and caused a nuclear meltdown similar to the radioactive disaster in Chernobyl, Ukriane (1986). Therefore, we must reduce our negative impact to the environment because it will definitely affect mother nature.
There are many lessons we can learn from our own history including the May 13 1969 racial riots between the Malay and Chinese especially in Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur. Almost 200 people were killed and this really emphasised why we need to be more understanding, tolerant and respectful of each others’ cultural differences. Otherwise, another terrible racial riot will occur and this will destroy the national unity that we have worked so hard to achieve for the past half century of independence.
World peace is threatened when terrorists launch attacks such as the 9/11/2001 hijacking of two 767 jets into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City. This is such a tragedy because it took 2,753 lives but there are uncountable more lives, maybe millions, that have been shaken by this terrible event. This has led to more lives lost through the hunting down of Saddam Hussien and Osama bin Laden, both of whom were influential leaders that commanded troops of terrorists. Hence, the governments of each country need to work hand in hand to protect its citizens from further terrorist threat.
In recent times, the world has seen a number of tragedies that are unbelievable and atrocious such as the bombing in Oslo, Norway where Anders Brevik went on a shooting rampage and killed at least 77 youths because he was against multiculturalism and Muslim immigration. Thus, although we should be patriotic at all times, there must be moderation because the extremism showed by Norweigian Anders Behring Breivik is very unhealthy and this does not create peace, but instigates world wars.
We should be proud to be living in a peaceful land as there are no wars, enough food and opportunity to improve our standard of living. On the other hand, places like Palestine face the uncertainty and horrors of war every day, while there are many crisis elsewhere such as in Somalia, Afghanistan and even in Thailand which is our direct neighbour. In short, we need to defend our peace and freedom not just for this generation but for our children, and our children’s children.
Datuk Michelle Yeoh from Perak is an international actress most famed for her role in action movies and being the Bond girl in ‘Tomorrow never dies’ is also known for her full support of the anti-smuggling of endangered animals campaign. Along with celebrities such as Jackie Chan, they both support the saying, “When the buying stops, the killing will too.” Therefore, we should also support this campaign to stop the buying of illegal animal products such as ground rhino horn, ornamental elephant tusks and animal fur and skin to make clothes and accessories.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed is an extremely inspirational man as he was the longest serving prime minister of Malaysia from 1981 to 2003 during which he was called the ‘Father of Modernisation’. We have a lot to thank him for including our aspiration to achieve the developed nation status through Vision 2020. He was also behind the successful programs such as Multimedia Super Corridor, Proton cars, KLCC and KL towers, Formula 1 Sepang Circuit and many more which have brought prosperity and countless opportunities to fellow Malaysians. Therefore, to me he is truly inspirational as even today he has his own website, blog and Facebook page where he shows eloquence and critical thinking even though he is now 86 years old.
Malaysia has a lot to be proud of in terms of sports as today we have two individuals in racquet sports that are ranked No. 1 in the world. They are Datuk Lee Chong Wei for badminton and Datuk Nicol Ann David for squash, both hailing from the island of Penang. The two are prime examples of a combination of hard work and good upbringing because they have managed to divide their time to be a successful sportsperson. Datuk Nicol is 28 years old and been playing squash intensively since young but she still managed to score flying colours in her SPM where she obtained 7As. This is evidence that with the right attitude and diligence, anything is possible.
Malaysia is proud to have businessmen who have carved a name for themselves in the international arena. Tan Sri Anthony Francis Fernandes, CEO of Air Asia, owns the world best low-cost airline (2009-2011) which has created countless opportunities for Malaysians to travel around the world for business and leisure. With his amazing tagline, “Now everyone can fly”, it is truly wonderful that we can experience international travel because travelling is now affordable for all. Another famous Malaysian entrepreneur is Datuk Jimmy Choo, famed for his exquisite handmade heels which are sought after by all the celebrities in America and the whole world including the fashionista Sarah Jessica Parker, a famous Hollywood actress. Therefore, we should always look for opportunities to expand our business not just in the Malaysian market but penetrate the international market as well.
Friday, September 9, 2011
UiTM Reading 800/3 seminar. :P

Thanks for paying attention guys.. send your essays to queendrey@gmail.com, and add me to facebook if you like 'Audrey Wiles'
Some pics of my MUET seminar at UiTM today. :P
Monday, September 5, 2011
Hello I'm Back!!
Sorry for the long absence ... life got in the way. Also been on Raya mode n went to KL for a short break with the kids. Fun!!
Anyway, the MUET speaking exam is around the corner. I will be writing more tips about that in the next blog post. In the mean time, here is an essay submitted by Chin Hong, a fellow MUET lecturer from Taiping, Perak. Everyone is welcome to submit essays for me to publish but I reserve the right to edit and 'doctor' it for accuracy and fluency. :P
There are important issues relating to consumerism. Discuss the various ways whereby we as consumers leave an impact on the environment, society and our nation. Support your view with examples. You should write at least 350 words.
As a nation progresses, so does the level of consumerism among its citizens. The changing lifestyles of people have increased the market demands for more sophisticated products and lifestyles. All said, such demands have improved our general lifestyles in certain ways but they too do leave behind some negative impacts on the environment, society and the nation.
Firstly, consumerism has affected the environment in such ways that if not resolved will greatly affect the world that we live in. Due to our hectic lifestyles, many people have forsaken their task of cooking and eating at home. Generally, most working people opt to buy ready-prepared food outside and these foods are packed in disposable plastic boxes or bags. As we all know, such boxes are non-biodegradable and thus will cause environmental degradation if they are disposed of and buried in landfills. The overdependence on plastic shopping bags instead of using shopping baskets while shopping by consumers also contributes to the degradation of the environment therefore we must support the ‘No Plastic Bags’ campaigns. The use of aerosol sprays by consumers and CFCs-based products will have a detrimental effect on the environment. It will deplete the ozone layer in the atmosphere exposing mankind to the harmful effects of the ultra-violet rays of the sun. The affluent lifestyle of people nowadays has seen an increase in the ownership of private cars and this has caused air pollution to the environment to increase dramatically.
The changing spending habits of consumers too have an impact on society and the nation as well. The greater demands of consumers for luxury goods such as electric appliances and modern gadgets have caused an artificial demand of such goods and this has pushed up the price of such products. Thus consumers will be at the losing end as they need to pay more for such products causing inflation to rise. The widespread use of plastic money or credit cards too produces a negative impact on our society and the nation. The uncontrollable use of credit cards to purchase products has caused many a person to be heavily indebted to credit companies and banks. This has affected the saving power of the people and the country will be short of money with which to generate its economic growth. There will be a slowdown of the economy of the country as consumers will have no more money to spend or save due to the debts incurred from the overuse of credit facilities.
In short, although the increased level of consumerism has improved our lifestyles to a greater extent but the long term negative effects it has on the environment, society and nation needs to be looked into so that we as consumers can learn to be smart consumers benefitting not only ourselves but the society and nation at large. Our government needs to step up efforts to acquaint consumers with their rights and responsibilities by carrying out more consumer awareness campaigns nationwide. Smart consumers, prosperity for all.
Anyway, the MUET speaking exam is around the corner. I will be writing more tips about that in the next blog post. In the mean time, here is an essay submitted by Chin Hong, a fellow MUET lecturer from Taiping, Perak. Everyone is welcome to submit essays for me to publish but I reserve the right to edit and 'doctor' it for accuracy and fluency. :P
There are important issues relating to consumerism. Discuss the various ways whereby we as consumers leave an impact on the environment, society and our nation. Support your view with examples. You should write at least 350 words.
As a nation progresses, so does the level of consumerism among its citizens. The changing lifestyles of people have increased the market demands for more sophisticated products and lifestyles. All said, such demands have improved our general lifestyles in certain ways but they too do leave behind some negative impacts on the environment, society and the nation.
Firstly, consumerism has affected the environment in such ways that if not resolved will greatly affect the world that we live in. Due to our hectic lifestyles, many people have forsaken their task of cooking and eating at home. Generally, most working people opt to buy ready-prepared food outside and these foods are packed in disposable plastic boxes or bags. As we all know, such boxes are non-biodegradable and thus will cause environmental degradation if they are disposed of and buried in landfills. The overdependence on plastic shopping bags instead of using shopping baskets while shopping by consumers also contributes to the degradation of the environment therefore we must support the ‘No Plastic Bags’ campaigns. The use of aerosol sprays by consumers and CFCs-based products will have a detrimental effect on the environment. It will deplete the ozone layer in the atmosphere exposing mankind to the harmful effects of the ultra-violet rays of the sun. The affluent lifestyle of people nowadays has seen an increase in the ownership of private cars and this has caused air pollution to the environment to increase dramatically.
The changing spending habits of consumers too have an impact on society and the nation as well. The greater demands of consumers for luxury goods such as electric appliances and modern gadgets have caused an artificial demand of such goods and this has pushed up the price of such products. Thus consumers will be at the losing end as they need to pay more for such products causing inflation to rise. The widespread use of plastic money or credit cards too produces a negative impact on our society and the nation. The uncontrollable use of credit cards to purchase products has caused many a person to be heavily indebted to credit companies and banks. This has affected the saving power of the people and the country will be short of money with which to generate its economic growth. There will be a slowdown of the economy of the country as consumers will have no more money to spend or save due to the debts incurred from the overuse of credit facilities.
In short, although the increased level of consumerism has improved our lifestyles to a greater extent but the long term negative effects it has on the environment, society and nation needs to be looked into so that we as consumers can learn to be smart consumers benefitting not only ourselves but the society and nation at large. Our government needs to step up efforts to acquaint consumers with their rights and responsibilities by carrying out more consumer awareness campaigns nationwide. Smart consumers, prosperity for all.
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