
Sunday, July 24, 2022

Hello New MUET Batch of 2022/23 Students

 Hi to both teachers and students of MUET.. 

As a new academic year dawns, we try to brush ourselves up and figure out what we should be doing whether it is to be a better teacher or a student. 

Here's a things-to-do list. 

A) Students: 

1. Buy my MUETMYWAY Textbook published by Pelangi. 

2. Complete the grammar module in the first chapter of the book. The first part analyses your grammar competency and fossilised errors. Then it allows you to fix your errors step by step. The last section lets you see how the formulas are used in actual writing and how to edit by yourselves. I guarantee you that this is the most important skill that will push you up a band or two. It is what differentiates a band 3 from bands 4 & 5. The new book will have sentence writing skills section.. I put so much effort into this because writing good grammatically good sentences brings home the message accurately and succinctly. 

3. Next, use various highlighters and highlight all the phrases in the vocab section that you have never heard of before, and will consciously use in the near future for all 4 skills. To build your vocab, you need to have more low frequency words .. this means word level, then phrases level, sentence and paragraph level.. add proverbs and sayings.. and tune up your critical thinking. The new book will have additional vocab including current issues and main concepts that F6 students need to master in order to write or speak with flair. You need to cross reference with the dictionary or Google or Wikipedia.. for example, if you don't know what is euthanasia... or if you cannot give a single reason why prostitution should be legalised, then you definitely have a lot of surfing and reading up to do. Remember, the more you read, the more you internalise good quality vocab. The revised textbook (2022 version) will also have a list of most commonly mispronounced words. Use google to click on the audio icon to hear the correct pronunciation. Do you know the real pronunciation for 'tuition'? I bet you will get it 99.9% wrong. 

4. Go through all the notes in the 4 chapters on Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. I have put my heart and soul into all the notes especially on the speaking and writing chapters where students can learn how to construct a great academic essay.. Learn about hooks, stands, thesis statements, topic sentences, concluding sentences and the 3Rs in conclusions: Recap, Reiterate, Recommend. 

5. Try out the Model test twice. The first time do it exam style. Time yourself for your speaking responses, 2 mins for the individual speech. Cross check your points with the suggested answers. Try out the group discussion with some friends, if they don't mind helping. Use the QR codes to download the listening tracks and answer within the timeframe given. Time yourself too for the Reading and Writing sections. Check answers. Then after a month, do the same test all over again and see if you have higher marks. Logically it should be higher, of course! 

6. You can then try out the Model Test Book I published, also with Pelangi. Same style.. 1st time exam style, 2nd try with reference to dictionaries, Google n etc. Actually there are two books, 1st set published in 2020/21 and new out is out 2022.. in total you have 8 model tests to drill yourselves with. 

7. You can then send me sample essays for me to mark or sample videos of individual presentations that you self-recorded. I charge RM10 per essay/video.. email to You can BOOST me AFTER I send you my feedback. :) 

B) Teachers

1. Follow steps 1-7 from the point of view of a teacher. I have expressed step by step everything that needs to be covered in the textbook.. Fix their grammar first, then fix their vocab, move on to fix each of the 4 skills then drill with model tests. You may email me your queries on how to be a better teacher. And you may look for the MUET Teachers Telegram group but you will need to show the admins your timetable to prove you really are a MUET teacher. Once in the group you will have access to lively discussions and the official MUET Repository. Here you will find past exam papers, more worksheets, important documents like official MPM MUET downloadable materials, suggested Schemes of Work.. etc. This is the best MUET support group in Malaysia. 

2. Read up on the last chapter of the MUETMYWAY textbook. I wrote a whole chapter outlining teaching skills and ideas... all the techniques are beneficial to both new and seasoned teachers. Seasoned teachers may not be receptive to my 'spin' on teaching MUET as it involves a lot of Project Based Learning and hands-on experiential learning.. bottom up is better than top down approach. Again, if you have questions, and need teaching guidance, feel free to email me at and we can also chat on Whatsapp. 

I never meant to fall into the business of selling books. The opportunities presented itself. Maybe this is the best way that God has planned for me to share my knowledge and help my brethren. Together we are brothers and sisters in the pursuit of knowledge and life long learning. Huiyoooo! 

Here are my 2022 editions: 4 new model tests in collaboration with another wonderful writer, Jai Shree. And the MUETMYWAY textbook sports a new cover and about 20% new edits. It also has a link for digital materials. To purchase books, visit your nearest bookstore or contact the Pelangi agent in your neighbourhood ya. 

Here is my son... Lanner@Tanjiro helping me to promote my books. hahaha. 

Bah.. email me and I will try to find time to help you... whether you are a student or a teacher, we are in the same boat. Gambateh! 

Online tuition for MUET SESSION 1 2025 MASTERCLASS is now open. 8 webinars starting 17.3.25. pm me on telegram to join. 01121098865

Friday, July 15, 2022

Suggested Answers MUET Session 2, 2022

UPDATE: Hi! Are you starting to panic? If you reached this blogpost, then I'm sure the exams are around the corner, right? Need a quick-fix to get at least a Band 4 for MUET? You've knocked on the right door! 

Online tuition for MUET SESSION 1 2025 MASTERCLASS is now open. 8 webinars starting 17.3.25. pm me on telegram to join. 01121098865

Check the official MPM's answer here:

Bah.. I'm sure you're dying to know. Without further ado, here are my answers. Feel free to discuss politely in the comments. Rude ones will be deleted. You may debate til the cows come home but I will stick to these answers. 

MUET S2 2022

1. A

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. C

10. A

11. B

12. A

13. B

14. B

15. B

16. B

17. B

18. C

19. B

20. B

21. D

22. G

23. C

24. E

25. A

26. B

27. C

28. B

29. A

30. C

31. A

32. D

33. D

34. B

35. A

36. C

37. B

38. D

39. B

40. D

Remember these are NOT official MPM answers. 

Post in the comments what u got. Here is a prediction of ur band. 

X times 7.5

For instance,

if u got 25 over 40, do the math for 25 x 7.5 =


That makes u a Band 3.5 for Reading. Get it? 

Good luck! 

Thursday, January 27, 2022

1st MUET CEFR Batch at SMK Majakir, Papar

Well, finally the long wait is over. My first batch of Majakirians have jumped all the hoops and made it to the finishing line with big wide smiles. 

I am happy to report that the new CEFR aligned MUET marking seems to be very fair and more accurate then the previous ones, and I do like the fact that there are no more heartbreaking Band 1s and 2s. 

Here's the current benchmark... hopefully, next batch will do better. 

We got 

6 Band 4.5 (6.5%)

41 Band 4.0 (44%)

33 Band 3.5 (35.5%)

12 Band 3.0 (13%)

1 Band 2.5 (1%)

If you plot this, the chart is indeed the expected Bell curve. Congrats to all! 

I told the kids, don't worry about the Band 5 & 5+, that's native speaker proficiency... and it also gives room for the juniors to better this 1st try results. I actually have 1 student in the junior group who is definitely B5 material.. hopefully it will materialise as he really is that good! 

Special thanks to colleagues Sunita and Aishah, ex-colleague Fairuz.. and the support of all Pre-U teachers and students at Majakir. We can do it! 

Anyway.. hv also been doing a series of talks.. but this one stands out.. my first YOUTUBE LIVE streaming 3hr session. Those of you who would like to listen to my tips and tricks, do watch the session. So thankful to PPD Sipitang for setting up the whole session and doing all the techie stuff. Wishing all students and teachers a fruitful year ahead! 

MUET Reading Session 3 2021 (which took place in Jan 2022) Suggested Answers

UPDATE: Hi! Are you starting to panic? If you reached this blogpost, then I'm sure the exams are around the corner, right? Need a quick-fix to get at least a Band 4 for MUET? You've knocked on the right door! 

Online tuition for MUET SESSION 1 2025 MASTERCLASS is now open. 8 webinars starting 17.3.25. pm me on telegram to join. 01121098865

Check the official MPM's answer here:

Heyyyyyy.. It's a brand new year... sorry hv been slacking off on the blog for some time now.. but I've been writing new materials to update my two books by Pelangi. We are rushing to change all the 4 sets in the Model Test Book... and I'm revising the materials in the MUET MY WAY textbook.  

Anyway.. below are my answers for the 3rd Session of the MUET Reading paper, 22nd Jan 2022. 

Happy marking! If you want to estimate your band, just use your result x 360 and then divide by 40. You can then check to see what band your reading level is. 

Ok .. so here are my suggested answers. 

1. A (tricky... why is MPM making kids do math in the first question?)

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. A

8. C

9. B

10. C

11. A

12. B

13. A

14. A

15. B

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. B

20. A

21. E

22. B

23. A

24. F

25. G

26. D (sentence previous listed things, sentence after mentioned seafood, awkward to put C as C is not the final sentence in the paragraph) 

27. B

28. C

29. C

30. D

31. B

32. D

33. B

34. C

35. B

36. B

37. D

38. D

39. D

40. B

Please leave nice comments, no fighting in the comment boxes. Tq! 

You can also easily order my books in Shopee... Don't worry... the new versions will be out soon!