
Friday, October 22, 2021

Suggested answers for MUET Reading Paper Oct 2021

UPDATE: Hi! Are you starting to panic? If you reached this blogpost, then I'm sure the exams are around the corner, right? Need a quick-fix to get at least a Band 4 for MUET? You've knocked on the right door! 

Online tuition for MUET SESSION 1 2025 MASTERCLASS is now open. 8 webinars starting 17.3.25. pm me on telegram to join. 01121098865

Check the official MPM's answer here:

Hi, I'm back. Below are my suggested answers. Feel free to debate but pls do so calmly and intelligently. I am happy to share but again, I emphasise my disclaimer: I am not attached to MPM, I am just a lowly MUET English teacher. Good luck! 

MUET Oct 2021 Reading Suggested Answers

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. A

10. A

11. A

12. A

13. C

14. B

15. C

16. A

17. A

18. B (..watching things go into the skip)

19. B

20. B

21. A

22. B

23. F

24. C

25. E

26. G

27. C

28. D

29. D

30. A

31. D

32. D

33. A

34. A

35. C

36. D

37. D

38. B

39. D

40. C

So what do you think? Can you score 40/40? No worries, que Sera, Sera - whatever will be, will be. 

Monday, August 2, 2021

WEEK 1: Lower 6 SMK Majakir Batch of 2021/22


Hi everyone.. I'm back with a new batch in tow.. This is the first time we are doing a fully online class, it seems that this is the new normal now as everyone has not achieved herd immunity against Covid 19. Anyway, this time I will be more specific with how I'm handling my classes, so that any newbie MUET teacher can get some ideas on how I teach. I must warn you that I use very unorthodox methods to teach as my objective is to always make English lessons Fun and Inspirational. I feel if you invest your time and love in a kid, only good things will come out of it, so my mission is to reach out to every one of them on a personal basis, by texting them personally with their performance updates in Telegram besides interacting with them in the group chat as well as Google Meet. 

Ok, lesson 1 was each student makes a video of themselves as introduction. This kid Hafizi is exceptionally cooler as he made an edited one with pics, music etc. I reloaded him RM5 just to keep his spirits up. The rest sent videos, very unprofessional single shoots, but I don't mind as it is their first experience. I want them to upload 1:50 to 2:00 mins but most of them couldn't reach this length, so I told them I forgive them this time but the videos will be rejected in the future and they will have to redo (evil laugh!). Here were the instructions: 

For today, write your name here as attendance and if you understand the task. Record a video of yourself NOT MORE THAN 2MINS AND NOT LESS THAN 1 MIN 50 SECS. Pls include Intro, your biodata, your family, your hopes for F6 and your future before you do a conclusion. Post the video here by midnight tonight. Tmrw we will GM and view the videos. 

Next, lesson 2 was a Google meet, I showed them the videos starting from the last person to send in theirs (as the deadline was midnight, and I wanted them to learn that if they submit their work late, they will be the first to be shown in class - this may encourage them to be less tardy in the future.) While watching, they gave marks - 5 for Language and 5 for Confidence. Just a simple scoring system just to familiarise them with the fact that I am looking at these 2 main things. Not necessary to tell them about communicative ability at this point. We assessed about 10 students' videos and after that I showed them my blog. Their next task is to make their own blogs. Here are my instructions: 

Today's task is to research how to make a blog either using blogspot, wix or wordpress, then upload your intro video there and write 200- 300 words about yourself. You can add other pictures/vidos/audio/gifs to make your blog post exciting. Deadline is midnight. Add your name here and your link to your blog once you have finished. Hv fun!

Ok.. will update this post tmrw after Lesson 3: 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

MUET Power Point Video Instructional Video

So I made a 15 min screencast-o-matic video on how to make a video using PP! Bah.. to all my students, you now have to watch this and make your own videos. I will give a cash prize for the best submission! 

Make a Power Point Video!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

MUET CEFR-Aligned Writing Marking

Just mark any style you like. It doesn't really matter. What matters is that you teach with all your heart. Peace, no war. 

Monday, April 12, 2021

MUET CEFR-Aligned 1st Reading Paper Suggested Answers

UPDATE: Hi! Are you starting to panic? If you reached this blogpost, then I'm sure the exams are around the corner, right? Need a quick-fix to get at least a Band 4 for MUET? You've knocked on the right door! 

 Online tuition for MUET SESSION 1 2025 MASTERCLASS is now open. 8 webinars starting 17.3.25. pm me on telegram to join. 01121098865

Check the official MPM's answer here:

*Disclaimer: I am not attached to MPM directly and these are only my suggested answers, open to debate. 

So here are the answers to the first ever MUET CEFR-aligned Reading Paper. 

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. B

10. A

11. B

12. B

13. B

14. A

15. A

16. C

17. B

18. B

19. B

20. C

21. F

22. G

23. C

24. B

25. A

26. E

27. D 

28. C

29. A

30. D

31. B

32. B

33. A

34. A

35. C

36. C

37. A

38. D

39. D

40. D

These answers are recommended but not conclusive. Feel free to have a rational debate over the questions provided that everyone is respectful and civil at all times. Cheers! 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

END OF AN ERA: RIP MUET 2008 - 2020

The time has come to say goodbye to 12 years of hard work... of slogging and developing colour coded materials and uploading or sharing in seminars and classes.. the icing on the cake is that we finally achieved 3 Band 5 results in one hit! Super proud of our Majakir students and Team MUET: Audrey, Sunita and Fairuz. This was the longest batch due to the 6 month Covid extention, what a crazy 2 years it has been coping with the pandemic, online learning and the characters of each student. Nevertheless, the fruits of our labour are sweet indeed. Special shoutout to all the MUET teachers who have served in Majakir since I arrived in 2008... with a GP of sometimes below 2.0 to 3.1 now... we are definitely in a better place. Kudos to all.. Ding, Idzam, Norita, Zainah, Lailatun.. we really have come a long way.  

                           I'd like to note some amazing facts. My ex student, Joanne Gan scored a perfect 45/45                for her listening paper many years ago. Very proud of her. This year, Floris, also known as   
              CiCi scored 44/45 for speaking. Whoa. Mind-blowing! Anyway, very proud of all my ex- 
              monkeys, current baboons and future primates. I only call them this if I really love them. And                  I really do!

                Time to gear up for the new format...exam in June/July... not much time left to prep..       

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Collection of new MUET CEFR-Aligned Speaking question sets

Hey all.. 

So teachers and students alike are searching high and low for reliable MUET CEFR-aligned speaking question sets that they can practice with. Here is my simplified list so far. 

If you would like to use my guide to assessing speaking in line with the new format, click here

Set 1: 

Part 1 (2 min individual presentations):

Situation: We live a more comfortable life with the invention of new technology. How has our lives improved? 

Candidate A: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about how technology has improved the lives of students. 

Candidate B: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about how technology has improved the lives of parents. 

Candidate C: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about how technology has improved the lives of working adults. 

Candidate D: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about how technology has improved the lives of elderly people. 

Part 2 (8-10 minute group discussion): 

Situation: People would find it hard to live without technology in this era. In your group, discuss the benefits of modern technology. 

MINDMAP: Centre Circle - What are the benefits of using modern technology?

5 Bubbles: Do housework / Shop online / Communicate easily/ / Move around easily / Do research

At the end of the discussion, try to decide the main benefit of using modern technology. 

Set 2: 

Part 1 (2 min individual presentations):

Situation: We are now experiencing a new normal in facing the Corona virus pandemic. What can you do to keep healthy during this pandemic?  

Candidate A: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about wearing face masks. 

Candidate B: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about washing hands properly. 

Candidate C: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about staying home unless necessary.

Candidate D: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about exercising regularly. 

Part 2 (8-10 minute group discussion): 

Situation: Covid-19 has caused the world population to change their lifestyles. In your group, discuss how countries can deal with this pandemic. 

MINDMAP: Centre Circle - How can countries deal with the Corona virus pandemic?

5 Bubbles: Education / Personal protection equipment / Trained frontliners / Stricter law / International cooperation

At the end of the discussion, try to decide the best way for countries to deal with this pandemic. 

Set 3: 

Part 1 (2 min individual presentations):

Situation: Everyone should make time to exercise daily. What are some benefits of regular exercise? 

Candidate A: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about keeping fit.

Candidate B: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about reducing stress. 

Candidate C: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about making new friends.

Candidate D: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about learning self-discipline.  

Part 2 (8-10 minute group discussion): 

Situation: There is still a lot to be done to create an community that practices a healthy lifestyle. In your group, discuss how countries promote a physically active society. 

MINDMAP: Centre Circle - How can countries promote a physically active society?

5 Bubbles: Education / Community gyms / Youth activity centers / More sporting events / Tax relief for sports equipment

At the end of the discussion, try to decide the best way to promote a physically active society. 

Set 4: 

Part 1 (2 min individual presentations):

Situation: Climate change has taught us that we must look after our planet. What are some of these ways? 

Candidate A: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about reducing the use of plastic products.  

Candidate B: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about reducing the use of water.  

Candidate C: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about reducing the use of electricity. 

Candidate D: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about reducing the use of fuel. 

Part 2 (8-10 minute group discussion): 

Situation: There is growing concern about how society is managing waste product to reduce pollution. In your group, discuss how the people can help to manage their own waste effectively. 

MINDMAP: Centre Circle - How can the people manage waste effectively? 

5 Bubbles: Buy items with less packaging / Reusing packaging / Separating waste according to category / Sending to waste collection centres / Composting 

At the end of the discussion, try to decide the best way for people to manage waste effectively in our country. 

Set 5: 

Part 1 (2 min individual presentations):

Situation: Your class would like to celebrate the retirement of your class teacher. What can you do for your teacher? 

Candidate A: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about buying presents.

Candidate B: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about making a video. 

Candidate C: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about making special cards. 

Candidate D: You have to give a presentation to your class. Talk about throwing a surprise party.  

Part 2 (8-10 minute group discussion): 

Situation: Teachers play an important role in educating the young.  In your group, discuss how the government can improve the image of the teaching profession. 

MINDMAP: Centre Circle - How can the government improve the image of the teaching profession?

5 Bubbles:  Provide more professional training / Scholarships for further education / Reward high performing teachers / National teacher icon competition / Increase salary and benefits 

At the end of the discussion, try to decide the best way to improve the image of the teaching profession.

This is all for now. I will add to this list as I come up with more interesting question sets. Happy teaching and learning! 

I do this for free, all I ask is that you follow my TikTok @grammarqueendrey and support my newfound ambition to be a TikTokker. hahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha 

Sunday, February 28, 2021

New MUET Speaking CER-aligned assessment and teaching tips

Hi all. 

So many of you have been asking me how to give marks for speaking. As mentioned a thousand times on this blog, I am not an examiner and as far as I know, the marking criteria are confidential. There are so many people teaching and marking in the dark and today's post will help to shine some light on the matter. Take note that I am playing it by ear and am just giving you a sample of what I use to assess my students, since my guess is as good as anyone else's as there has yet to be any formal training for layman teachers like us. 

I am providing my own version here in the hope that it will help my fellow colleagues, and I do apologise if it may seem too simplistic a way to assess speaking for this new CEFR-aligned syllabus. 

Anyway, remember to use this as a guide only, as it is NOT a true reflection of how the exams syndicate marks this paper. We are ardently waiting to be called for training on this matter as it is highly ludicrous to expect teachers to teach blind and assess even blinder. Yes, yes, harsh words, I do implore your forgiveness but you do see our conundrum, right?  

I have only heard that they have 6 marks for each category and that there are 3 categories for Part 1 (individual speech) and an additional one for Part 2 (group discussion). 

Part 1: 

CATEGORY                                  HIGHEST     6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1       LOWEST

1. Able to understand and perform task 

On topic (6)  ------------------------     Out of topic (1) 

2. Able to organise ideas well:      

Uses linkers fluently (6)  ---------------    No linkers, lacks fluency (1)

3. Able to show good command of language: 

High grammatical accuracy and good use of low frequency words (6)                                                       ---------------------------------------------     Low accuracy and poor vocab (1)

For Part 2 there is an additional category: 

4. Able to contribute well to the discussion:

Confident and proactive speaker (6)  ----------------   Passive speaker (1)            


Therefore, the highest marks a student can obtain is 

Part 1: 6+6+6 = 18 

Part 2: 6+6+6+6= 24

Total: 42/42

You will then need to convert it to x/90 which is 25% of the total score of 360. 

As an illustration: 

Andy's marks ~ 

Part 1: 3+4+3 = 10

Part 2; 3+4+3+4 = 14

Total: 24/42

Converted to : 24 x 90 / 42 = 51.4/90 

Ok... whatever assessment criteria that you choose to use at the moment, all you have to do is convert it to x/90. Then you will get the final total after adding with the other 3 papers of x/90 each to get a grand total of x/360. At this point you can determine the band according to the 9 bands previously outlined but I will mention again here. 

Basic user: Band 1.0 (1 - 35), Band 2.0 (36 - 81), Band 2.5 (82 - 122)

Independent user: Band 3.0 (123 - 163), Band 3.5 (164 - 210), Band 4.0 (211 - 257), Band 4.5 (258 - 293)

Proficient user: Band 5.0 (294 - 330), Band 5+ (331 - 360)

Stay tuned for the next blog post. I will compile a list of possible questions for you to use in your classrooms, and I am preparing sample scripts so your students can memorise and roleplay the simulation as the foundation of preparing them for this exam. Memorising is an old teaching tool, but it still works wonders, just ask China and General Mao. hehe. Have a nice day! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

TikTok Classroom with Grammar Queen Mdm Audrey

So yes, I jumped on the TikTok bandwagon and decided to make a series of easy peasy grammar 1 min vids so that teachers will be empowered to teach better and students will learn more efficiently. Feel free to 

a. Follow me on TikTok = @grammarqueendrey

b. Like and SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube channel and watch the first the First 5 Grammar Rules here.

Stay tuned for more vids coming soon.. I will try to do one every work day and make a mashup after every 5 or 6 episodes. Weeeee! 

Also available to buy, my grammar book... Fix Your Broken English .. RM30 per copy, RM50 for 2. Special price for students and bulk buy of 10 copies or more. WhatsApp 0168451270

Here is a pic of me.. just cos I like my outfit today. Hehe. 

The next post is on the new CEFR aligned MUET Speaking paper. Go and check it out.  

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Good luck to the last batch of old format MUET EXAM 30TH Jan 2021

Bah.. for all my students who have waited 7 months to take this exam which was postponed from end of July to end of Jan 2021, and all the teachers and students all over Malaysia.. this is your last chance to revise. 

You are welcome to all my files (soon to be obsolete!) For the old format. I hv also included MPM's published 2017 MUET Handbook (Did u even know this exists???) 

(The link is in this blog post)

Bah good luck. I can't answer everyone's individual message or email ok. But I do wish you well. 

If you don't get your desired result, don't worry, the new format is 'easier'! 

See my latest batch... They get my brain printed on paper. Hehe.